Firenze. Un seminario sull’accesso all’informazione giuridica disponibile on line

From Information to Knowledge, workshop organizzato dall’Ittig – Cnr a Firenze nell’ambito del Festival d’Europa il 6 maggio 2011

di Ezio Alessio Gensini
Workshop “From Information to Knowledge. On Line Access to Legal Information”, organizzato da ITTIG-CNR nell’ambito del Festival d’Europa. Firenze, Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Piazzetta di Parte Guelfa, 6 maggio 2011

FIRENZA – “Il seminario è dedicato al tema dell’accesso all’informazione giuridica disponibile on line e si svolge nell’ambito del Festival d’Europa, che si terrà a Firenze nella settimana dal 6 al 10 maggio prossimi. L’iniziativa vuole mettere in evidenza l’importanza che tale tema riveste in relazione all’istituto della cittadinanza europea. Alla giornata parteciperanno alcuni dei più qualificati esperti della materia a livello europeo, che affronteranno il tema da diverse angolazioni.” dichiarano Maria Angela Biasiotti e Marina Pietrangelo.

“Nella seconda sessione del seminario abbiamo deciso di dare spazio alla presentazione dei più significativi progetti di ricerca e altre iniziative per un accesso effettivo alla conoscenza giuridica on line, selezionati attraverso una call for partecipation” concludono Maria Angela Biasiotti e Marina Pietrangelo.

Following-up European Initiatives and Projects Enhancing Access to Legal Information via the Internet Workshop organised by Ittig-Cnr in conjunction with Festival d’Europa 2011

Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Piazzetta di Parte Guelfa – Sala Brunelleschi
6th May 2011 – 9.00-13.30

The dissemination of legal information contributes to the rule of law and to the overall ideals of democracy. Accessing legal information produces a lot of benefits, such as certainty of the law, the creation of conditions necessary to the equality and fairness of a legal system, while improving the functioning of democratic institutions.The rapid explosion of electronic information on the Internet is an unquestionable reality, as well as its enormous impact on research, business and every social activity. However this electronic transformation has its drawbacks; in fact navigating through such an amount of information sources, often unstructured, may make people waste their time and miss their expectations. Nowadays legal research is facing a serious problem: the abundance of electronic legal information makes it very difficult to organize such resources in a way that they can be consulted with confidence, checked and cited as valuable sources. There is a gap between collecting ‘documents’ and achieving ‘information’. Within this context the Workshop aims at bringing together on the same table theories, methodologies and experiences focusing on the realization of tools allowing access to European legal information via the Internet (conceived as legal information of the European Union as well as of the EU countries) and on the relevance that this implies in relation with the exercise of the rights of citizenship of EU citizens.


9.00-9.15 – Opening, Introductory remarks
9.15-11.00 – First session
Experts from different areas of interest for legal information will be involved in assessing the state of the art with respect to their perspectives and in evaluating selected experiences.
Chair: Pascale Berteloot
•    Giovanni Sartor (European University Institute)
Access to legislation in the semantic web
•    Cedric Chailloux (Publications Office of the European Union – EUR-Lex Unit)
The new EUR-Lex: improvement and redesign
•    Carol Tullo (The National Archives – Information Policy and Services – UK)
Online access to UK legislation: strategy and structure
•    Filippo Donati (University of Florence)
Access to legal information in the European Union
Coffee break
11.20-13.40 – Second session
The second session will be devoted to the presentation of relevant initiatives and projects willing to realize access to legal information from different approaches and implementing different methodologies and tools.
Chair: Maria Angela Biasiotti
•    Eunomos, a legal document management system based on legislative XML and ontologies
G. Boella, L. Humphreys, P. Rossi and L. van der Torre
•    Experiences with “Lex Dania Live”
K.E. Pedersen
•    Automatic classification of documents for the Library of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
B. Bassi
•    Proper treatment of gaps in  legal data and in electronic legal research
Melih Karakullukcu
•    European Case-law identifier: a short history and the broad outlook
Marc van Opijnen
•    On legal argumentation tecniques: towards a systematic approach
G. Damele, M. Dogliani., A. Mostropaolo, F. Pallante and D.P. Radicioni
•    Challenges regarding legal metadata. IP licensing and management of different cognitive levels in the Web 2.0
D. Bourcier and M. Fernández-Barrera
•    A comprehensive free access legal information system for Europe
G. Peruginelli, D. Tiscornia, G. Greenleaf, A. Mowbray and P. Chung
•    Open Access to legal scholarship and Open Archives: towards a better future?
R. Caso, P. Guarda and V. Moscon

Please register at the following address: [email protected]
Registration for this event is free of charge

Program Committee: Maria Angela Biasiotti, Sebastiano Faro, Marina Pietrangelo

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